Posted on November 3rd, 2015

Carpenter Family: Museum of Discovery

This has been an interesting month for our family. We moved houses. Our new house is just a couple miles from our old one, but for those who have moved with multiple children, you know distance doesn't make it much easier. Moving is ROUGH! I had forgotten just how rough until we were in the final stages of packing, at that point when "stuff" seemed to multiply like Gremlins. But we did it!

Posted on August 3rd, 2015

Carpenter Family: New Orleans

There is a reason the National Lampoon's family vacation movies were such phenomenal hits in the '80s and '90s. They depicted the realities, though hyperbolized, of the typical family vacation, and were and continue to be hugely relatable because we all know how tragically hilarious it can be to watch our own vacation plans take a different turn than we expected.

Posted on June 30th, 2015

Carpenter Family: Heifer International

If you've never lived in or traveled around Arkansas, you might have a somewhat shortsighted perception of The Natural State. I would imagine the generalization to go something like this: uneducated, simple, unreasonably conservative, and then probably a bit about Bill Clinton thrown in there for good measure.

Posted on June 1st, 2015

Carpenter Family: Mountain View

Over the last three years of homeschooling my kids, one of the biggest lessons I've realized is that learning and teaching often happens best when we aren't actually at home.