Hopefully, by teaching my children, they will carry this love and knowledge on...

Family Trails Family Trails Guide

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Story by Mary Herlocker

Herlocker Family: Lost in Exploration

Some of our best family hikes are those that do not have expectations; no mileage to track or destination in mind, just the desire to get out, explore and enjoy each other's company.

Story by Olga Levien

Levien Family: Cornwall Park

We love to spend time outside with our children. New Zealand offers great opportunities and an amazing lifestyle.

Story by Rochelle O'Connell

O'Connell Family: Coyote Gulch

The sun is nearly setting as we pull into a dirt parking lot located 33 miles down a dirt road and situated practically in the middle of the desert. Months of planning and small backpacking trips have led us to this moment.