Posted on June 3rd, 2016

May Round-Up: Earth

For this month's visual storytelling theme, we asked families to demonstrate their love of nature, being outside, getting dirty, and riff on the theme "earth". Click through to read more.

Posted on May 5th, 2016

May Theme: Earth

Spring is in full swing, and we're challenge families to get out and shoot with the earth in mind! Read on for details.

Posted on May 4th, 2016

April Round-Up: Creativity

April is a month of renewal, of budding trees and buzzing bees! It's an inspiring time to be alive, so this month we asked families to share their creative side. Click through to read more.

Posted on April 5th, 2016

April Theme: Creativity

April is a month of renewal, of budding trees and buzzing bees! It's an inspiring time to be alive, so this month we're asking you to share your creative side. Whether trying a new craft together inside, or making something new as a family, we want to see your creative side.

Posted on April 4th, 2016

March Round-Up: Free for All

At FamilyTrails, we believe having adventures doesn't have to break the bank ... which is why Free For All was the theme of our March challenge! Click through to read more.